Monday, August 4, 2008

Old City Photo Safari

Yesterday I finally made it to the Old City to take pictures. Josh and I went to Lina for lunch, and man was that a great lunch. Seriously, Lina's hummus is worth traveling around the world for, and it was just a 15 minute walk from our house. I love this city. (Well, except when I get dirty looks for walking down the street in tight pants, but that's another story.)

Anyway, I stayed down in the Old City for three hours after lunch, and I would have stayed longer if I hadn't filled my CF card. That's 447 photos, FYI. So here's a few. I started in the Arab quarter, where Lina is, and worked my way back through the Jewish quarter to end up at the kotel.

The people who control the kotel looking down at it:

Serious-looking Haredi boys:
Two Israeli soldiers: one Orthodox, one Ethiopian. 

The women behind the mehitzah. 

A tourist sitting next to the prayer books in the women's section:

Wow, she's really praying:

... so is she. I really like the rays of light in this picture. 

And look, so is she:

Haredi men are always so happy. Why is that? Oh wait, it's because they sit at home and study while their wives both work to support them and take care of the children.

Sorry. If it seems like I have strong views about the way women are treated by the Haredi... well, that's because I do! 


Religion and State in Israel said...

Hi Mirah,

Came to your blog via Meredith's blogroll.

Your photos are fantastic.

I'd like be in touch about highlighting them in Religion and State in Israel

Let me know what you think at
religionandstateinisrael AT

Joel Katz
Religion and State in Israel

Anonymous said...

Hrmm, those women look a lot like all the pictures you see here on advertisements for Christian music CD's.
Sorry, it's just an amusing idea to me...the whole "universal religious experience face".
I honestly don't think I've ever had that face, so I think it really is religion related only rather than a specific emotion, like euphoria or something.
Or maybe I just smile too much and that's why I never look that way. :-)
Love you dears,