Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Crazy Jerusalem Pharmacies

I don't have a lot of time, so there's just one hilarious story I want to recount. Today Josh and I went to the pharmacy, and I just happened to be wearing an outfit that could pass for Orthodox (skirt past my knees, long-sleeve shirt), while Josh was wearing a kippah. So I ask the pharmacist for Sudafed, and she gives it to me and starts telling me about side effects. Keeps you awake, don't take it with alcohol, etc. Then she says, "Is the Sudafed for you?" And I say yes. And then she says, "You know, I'm not sure if you can take this while you're pregnant." And I'm like, oh my God, have I gotten so fat that this lady thinks I'm pregnant?! And then I realized that Josh and I looked like an Orthodox couple, so it made sense for her to assume that we were trying to have kids, and that I might be pregnant at any moment. It's really a different world here. 

Ok, now for the pictures. Here's some Haredi people at the Kotel: 

Here's Josh in the process of making something very yummy, as usual:

I almost feel bad about exploiting this feeble old lady for my photography. Almost, because this is such a cool shot. 

Aaaaand, more Haredi people at the Kotel. There's a lot of them, ya know?

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